[Vwdiesel] TDI Timing Tools

82 Diesel Westy dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Tue May 22 21:49:17 EDT 2007

I am pretty sure there is still a locking pin, but the
older size pin does not fit, There is a web sight that
has all you need, but don't have it on this system, I
will have to send it to you tomorrow.  His prices are
fare as well, he know his stuff.

I have a timing belt coming up in the fall for my TDI
PD Jetta Wagon, I heard they kill you for 6 to 7
hundred at the dealer and over $500 for a good shop. 
Problem is, no shops around me do or see any PD

So without a pump, I should just have to buy the tool
to lock the cam and line up fly wheel mark.  The cam
fires the injectors/pumps on this common rail head,
but I have no idea.  I need to get the bently before
attempting this for sure.

Bryan, NJ

--- David Cook <vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I am going to replace the timing belt on a Friend's
> Jetta 4 TDI soon.
> We are looking at buying the proper tools to do the
> job and I was wondering about the pump timing tool.
> Is there a tool to set the pump timing like the
> older
> diesels?  I know that the computer controls it to
> some
> extent, but I thought that it still had to be set in
> the right range to work correctly.  Or, is the
> sprocket locking pin sufficient to do this
> job-getting
> it close enough?
> Thanks,
> David
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