[Vwdiesel] 1.6 head on 1.5 block?

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Mon May 28 13:23:18 EDT 2007

Well, I just put a 1979 1.5 CK code head on a 1982 1.6 CR code engine, and 
it runs great. I am not 100% sure it was the original 1.5 head, though. It 
does appear to have the same size oil return as the original 1.6 head. The 
head bolts, however, did have to be drilled out. So, I guess I'm not sure, 
I'll have to check out the size of the oil return on the 1.5 block and see 
if it is smaller than the head that came off.

Tony Hoffman

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "B & R Decker" <bdecker001 at centurytel.net>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 12:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] 1.6 head on 1.5 block?

> From a lot of experience here is the skinny as I see it on VW diesel heads
> from the pre 81 1.5s to 1.6s in late 81 and later. 1.5 heads and blocks 
> have
> 11 mm head bolts and a small oil hole and they fit nothing else. Early 1.6
> heads and blocks( about late 80 to early 81 )had the larger oil return 
> holes
> but still used 11mm bolts. These heads can be used on the later 12 mm bolt
> 1.6 blocks by just taking a drill of the appropriate size and clearencing
> the bolt holes to take the 12 mm bolts. 1.6 12 mm bolt heads would be 
> pretty
> sure to fail in my estimation if someone tried to use one on a 1.6 block
> with 11 bolts. I think some people think because a head has 11mm head 
> bolts
> it was from a 1.5 when in fact the difference between 1.5 and 1.6 blocks 
> is
> the size of the oil return hole on the front of the block. The only swap 
> as
> I see it is the early 1.6 head that has the large oil return hole but 11mm
> bolts can be used on the later 1.6 block by clearancing the bolt holes to
> take 12mm bolts.
> Brian Decker

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