[Vwdiesel] Head lights 91 Jetta

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 11 04:31:57 PST 2007

The main problem with the way VAG products have headlights wired is they all run the power to the lights through the switches in the cabins.  If they relalyed the lights and just ran the relay actuating signal through the switches, we wouldn't have the issues we have.   A lot of Audi models from the 80s and 90s have had the switches fail because the connectors get hot enough to melt the plastic, which then coats the assembly with plastic and all electrical contact is gone.

Kurt Nolte <syncronized_turbo at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:  Or you can do what I'm doing while dieselising my Fox... build a new 
harness with proper gauge wire and good clean and protected connections.

But then I always did like being an overachiever, eh?


William J Toensing wrote:
> I am not an electrical expert but I do know this. Electrical components deteriorate over time. In Europe, any car over 10 years old is considered an old car. With these VW diesels, we are dealing with cars 15 to 30 years old, often with over 200,000 miles or more on them. Connections become corroded including switches, which also become worn out from use. Because of the inability buy new diesels in "our so called free country", the USA, we are trying to keep going, cars that were never designed to last that long, although with proper preventive maintenance & repairs, cars can be kept running almost forever, baring being totaled in an accident. Therefore, cleaning connections including grounds, adding extra grounds, & use of relays can be useful in keeping these cars going beyond their intended life, when they were not necessary when new..
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