[Vwdiesel] Analyzing compression numbers - oil in injector hole?

Shawn Wright vwdiesels at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 18:52:29 PST 2007

On 16 Nov 2007 at 14:47, Will Taygan <william at taygan.com> wrote:

> I compression tested the 91 ecodiesel a month ago and got
> 450-480-450-400.  (the 94 TD was 450-500 on all 4!)
> It starts well when cold, starts well when hot, but there's a zone when
> it's just warm and the glow plugs don't come on that it cranks for a few
> seconds before it catches.  Engine? Pump? Glow Sensor?  The afterglow is
> 7 seconds, so I just double-glow the 7 second period (no light, just
> current) and things usually improve.

I've wired a small resistor (50-100ohm or so IIRC) in series with the GP 
relay temp sender, so the delay is always a bit longer. This seems to cure 
the cool-warm start issues when the GP didn't used to cycle, and the engine 
would crank for a bit before firing.

Shawn Wright
'88 Westy 1.6TD 5 speed
'85 Jetta Diesel 1.6NA

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