[Vwdiesel] Payback on Solar and Other Alternate Energy Projects

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Thu Nov 29 13:17:59 PST 2007

I have 30 watts worth of Solar (+charge controler) up at our camp, (30 ft
trailer) which has charged the same 90AH battery for more than 5 years,
pumps water for the kichen, bath, shower, etc, CFs via small inverter, 13'
tv, radio, etc.

Place gets used weekly for 3 seasons, and less fequently in winter, when the
plumbing is drained. Have only run the battery down once (went away and left
the furnace on, it worked until it ran out of propane).

Since utility power is not available (500 yds from a hydro generating
station???) this was the only option to a noisy generator.

I had considered adding a wind generator, but it quickly became evident we
did not need it.

What this has taught me is, we don't need access to 10 kw of peak power to
live comfortably.

Careful, even casual attention to conservation makes it work. Propane fridge
with separate freezer works as well as the one at home, and cheaply too.
Propane automatic water heater, thermostat controled propane furnace (with
electric blower :^( , small wood stove in winter, very comfortable.

Small generator , alas, Gas powered, (considering a mini-Petter diesel) for
power tools, toaster, coffee maker as required.

It can be done, especially with some motivation. Namely the cost of utility
power ! 
(in OnTaRiO, 1/4 of the bill usually represents the actual cost of
electricity used, the rest is fixed extortion)

When I was a kid........ (how many times did I hear that from my dad?), most
country people, including us,  lived reasonably well without electricity.. 

Perhaps we will have the oportunity to do that again in the future?


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