LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Oct 23 09:22:04 PDT 2007

In a message dated 10/23/2007 6:11:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, rbp at 4u2bu.org 

> they make high-stability high-oleic acid VO these days which is  
> designed for high-heat long-term use w/o polymerization
> that stuff worked great in my engine

  I see a few things happening here.  First is that veggie 
oil tends to glaze over and turn to a gooey varnish.  I 
see this, loaded with carbonacious tar being slathered/
sprayed all over the inside of your engine ESPECIALLY if 
it gets hotter than normal.  THINK about how hot the 
bottom of a piston really gets.
  Simply using a low cost motor oil in a diesel can result 
in premature bearing wear, sludge and a much heavier than 
normal (normal being onl y the oil film) coating of black, 
carbon laden goo.
  That same cheap oil will also coke up the rings, loading 
carbon behind them, increasing cylinder wall pressure and 
WEAR!  It also causes more blowby and more oil to burn.
  Where do you think all that oil goes?  I can only think 
of two places, past the rings and stuck to the inside of 
the engine!  If it's getting past the rings then blowby is 
going the other way as well, rapidly contaminating the oil 
and rapidly wearing out your rod bearings.
  I've seen rings stick just from a friend using Castrol in 
his Subaru turbo.  He switched to the same diesel rated 
oil I use after that incident.  If you haven't torn down the 
engine and inspected it, simply how it runs is no indication 
of what the engine oil (or fryer oil) is doing.
  BTW there's probably more petroleum in a woman's underwear 
drawer than in an oil change!  A few people risking their engines 
is NOT going to make a hill of beans difference in the overall 
consumption in this country... Sorry.
  Also when you end up flushing out with petro oil you very likely 
end up using nearly as much overall as if you'd just run a long
interval synthetic instead.

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