[Vwdiesel] low voltage to gauges

Dave vwzoo at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 27 15:58:24 PDT 2007


   My 82 VW diesel truck is having electrical woes. 
The fuel gauge is reading low along with the temp
gauge.  The engine normally runs a little past midband
and now the gauge only rises up to about a quarter
scale. I noticed the temp gauge not working right
about the time the fuel gauge doesn't show full when I
fill the truck up.  Also, in the morning when I go to
start the truck the yellow glow plug light doesn't
come on.  It does in the afternoon when I am driving
home from work though.  One other electrical thing
that may or may not be associated with these problems
is the horn quit working.  I thinking it is some sort
of a common ground problem.  Has anyone else had
similar problems.


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