[Vwdiesel] Freeze Plug Removal--Out!

David Cook vwdieselbunny at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 30 09:50:46 PDT 2007

Well, I got it!  It took a lot of prying and tapping
with a hammer, as well as loosening the axle on the
trans end to gain clearance, but I was able to get it

The tool that did the most good was, I think, a seal
puller.  It has two hooks on one end that you can use
to lever a seal out.  I was able to get the hooks in
the hole and pry on the plug.  It finally moved enough
that a bit of the edge was poking past the edge of the
block, so then I took a screwdriver and hammer and
bent that edge in, which I think finally broke the

I'm glad I'm doing this now, because the antifreeze
was mostly, if not all, water!  That may have been
okay when the car was in California, but would have
made for a bad day come winter here in Kansas! 
(though it might have been added incentive to get a
diesel in there...)

Thanks for the ideas,


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