[Vwdiesel] Burning water?

Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Thu Sep 13 17:27:12 EDT 2007

the main question is, what frequency and intensity do the radio waves  
have to be?
that determines how much energy it takes to 'weaken' the H2<>O bonds,  
and whether this process could generate net energy
radio waves are actually a lower form of electromagnetic energy than  
infra-red (heat) and visible (light) and UV, which are what's  
released when something burns
so it does seem possible to me that this process might produce more  
energy than it consumes
there may be no free lunch, but there are plenty of lunches worth  
paying for - petroleum being one, vegetable oil another, nuclear,  
coal, etc
if we didn't get more energy out of digging up a bunch of oil than it  
took to do the digging, then there would be no petroleum industry
the 'free lunch' is in the inherent energy content of the fuel
water is made, of course, of hydrogen and oxygen, both of which will  
happily burn
so theoretically there's a lot of inherent energy there
but, of course, they're strongly bonded to each other
it doesn't seem inconceivably to me, thought, that there might be a  
way to 'unlock' these bonds using less energy than is liberated in  
the elemental gasses
that's exactly the kind of thing that Mother Nature does allow, if  
you are lucky enough to find the key
time will tell if these guys have found it

Rolf in MA

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