[Vwdiesel] negative aspects of burning water

Terry Briggs vbriggs at stny.rr.com
Fri Sep 14 00:56:47 EDT 2007

I've read with some interest everything I could about it, at least 
what's available. It sounds good, but what bothers me is the RF 
generator, like what was mentioned earlier in the posts, I don't think 
it's the frequency as much as the heat the RF is generating in the 
given field. RF energy can be some dangerous stuff if it's too high and 
your too close, one of the reasons we had to put KEEP AWAY signs on our 
transmitter antenae. I'm thinking he's heating the water {basically} to 
release the hydrogen. There have been plenty of hydrogen generators 
tested and advertised using electrolisis, and not a one of them creates 
enough hydrogen to power a car in a stand alone basis when tested 
independently. Pollution would be nil if it worked, the streets would 
be cleaner, at least until winter time, then you'd have one icy mess on 
the roads from all that "free" water vapor coming out the exhaust. We 
as a people around the world would love energy like this, but how many 
are really wanting to sacrifice being able to drive 510 miles on a tank 
versus what the current batch of "eco" friendly cars can provide. Sadly 
the technology for a "real" electric car has been around for almost the 
last 2 decades, but there is no real incentive to develop it beyond 
what's been done, gas is too profitable, imagine if you will what would 
happen to the likes of exxon and mobile it this actually worked, they 
would go belly up over night. Yep, alternative energy sounds good, but 
it aint never gonna happen, not in our life times. I'll keep my little, 
anemic diesel thank you and smile all day long.
On Sep 13, 2007, at 7:49 PM, The President wrote:

> Paiul I think you're missing the point; or is it points?
> 1) If it was viable you'd end up with water 'fresh' as the waste. 
> Maybe some
> metals deposited on electrodes too.
> 2) It's not new technology; look on some of the water forae on Yahoo 
> and
> you'll find people who've been trying to repeat Meyer's experiments for
> years. Look up Meyer on You tube for several videos re his patents.
> Water has a lower energy potential to the required gasses O and H 
> which is
> why it is the 'waste product' of many reactions involving compounds of 
> O and
> H
> 3) If parallel resonance and it's associated high voltage could tear 
> apart
> water or actually electrolyte; using less energy than that from 
> recombining;
> then it would surely also work for other compounds?
> It's a bit like that mysterious 'Brown's gas' :o)
> cheers
> Mark
>> From: paul lew <biovolks at yahoo.com>
>> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] negative aspects of burning water
>> Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 13:16:20 -0700 (PDT)
>> It looks like it has excellent possibilities, but I'm hesitant 
>> eccepting a
>> technology that
>>   consumes the most precious resource on the planet, sure the ocean is
>> full, but considering
>>   how much the world consumes energywise, we used to think some of our
>> other resources
>>   would never run out.
>>   Also, there wouldn't be anything to stop people using (wasting)
>> freshwater, and adding
>>   salt like he said did for the experiment, he said he didn't 
>> actually use
>> ocean water.
>>   And if we used waste water ,then we're still adding polutants to the
>> atmosphere.
>>   Paul
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M.I. 6
Custom Design and Fabrication
Vbriggs at stny.rr.com

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