[Vwdiesel] negative aspects of burning water
The President
quantum-man at hotmail.co.uk
Thu Sep 13 19:49:31 EDT 2007
Paiul I think you're missing the point; or is it points?
1) If it was viable you'd end up with water 'fresh' as the waste. Maybe some
metals deposited on electrodes too.
2) It's not new technology; look on some of the water forae on Yahoo and
you'll find people who've been trying to repeat Meyer's experiments for
years. Look up Meyer on You tube for several videos re his patents.
Water has a lower energy potential to the required gasses O and H which is
why it is the 'waste product' of many reactions involving compounds of O and
3) If parallel resonance and it's associated high voltage could tear apart
water or actually electrolyte; using less energy than that from recombining;
then it would surely also work for other compounds?
It's a bit like that mysterious 'Brown's gas' :o)
>From: paul lew <biovolks at yahoo.com>
>To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
>Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] negative aspects of burning water
>Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 13:16:20 -0700 (PDT)
>It looks like it has excellent possibilities, but I'm hesitant eccepting a
>technology that
> consumes the most precious resource on the planet, sure the ocean is
>full, but considering
> how much the world consumes energywise, we used to think some of our
>other resources
> would never run out.
> Also, there wouldn't be anything to stop people using (wasting)
>freshwater, and adding
> salt like he said did for the experiment, he said he didn't actually use
>ocean water.
> And if we used waste water ,then we're still adding polutants to the
> Paul
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