[Vwdiesel] negative aspects of burning water
Area31 Research Facility
stephensrw at stn.net
Fri Sep 14 04:37:08 EDT 2007
You are coroborating the comments about hybrid versus diesel that I just
posted before I saw this from you.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Terry Briggs" <vbriggs at stny.rr.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 3:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] negative aspects of burning water
>I agree, the tree huggers would have us all think that exactly, of
> course they spout that rhetoric while driving down to starbucks in
> their hummer. You just move the pollution from one place to another
> with electric. of course what they don't tell you about an electric car
> is the ecological disaster it's going to be to dispose of all those
> batteries when they reach their life cycle, and from what I hear, it's
> about 5 years if you use it in city driving, actually a lot less if you
> drive them long distance {the prius} I have an eco friendly friend out
> in utah that has a prius, she said it was the worst car she could have
> gotten. Granted, she really doesn't use it as intended, being it's
> supposed to be an "in town" car. She drives it every where, or at least
> she did until she bought a new VW diesel {she's a lawyer, go figure :-}
> anyways, traveling from Salt Lake to Denver, she could only average
> 35mpg with the thing, she said don't be in a hurry getting over the
> mountains. She bought the car after I told her about small diesel cars
> and the milage they get and she was surprised, she was really surprised
> when she drove it. She tells me the VW gets better average mileage
> than the prius did the way she drove it at least.
> On Sep 14, 2007, at 1:42 AM, LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:
>> In a message dated 9/13/2007 9:57:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
>> vbriggs at stny.rr.com writes:
>>> the technology for a "real" electric car has been around for almost
>>> the
>>> last 2 decades, but there is no real incentive to develop it beyond
>>> what's been done, gas is too profitable, imagine if you will what
>>> would
>>> happen to the likes of exxon and mobile it this actually worked, they
>>> would go belly up over night. Yep, alternative energy sounds good, but
>>> it aint never gonna happen, not in our life times. I'll keep my
>>> little,
>>> anemic diesel thank you and smile all day long.
>> There's a hitch to that theory and it falls on def ears it seems.
>> (or non diesel people!) In most of this country you go out and
>> buy an electric car to "save the planet." No more gas, you plug
>> in, drive, plug in, drive, no more fiill up with nasty ol' petroleum.
>> Thing is, most of the body is made of plastic (petroleum) it's made
>> in facilities that use petroleum to make their power, run the
>> equipment that makes it, delivers it, digs up the raw material,
>> transports it and so on. Now the clincher... That electricity
>> that you charge your new "planet friendly" car up with every
>> night is most likely made from a petroleum (or coal.. fossil fuel)
>> burning power plant! You don't save ANY fossil fuel! You simply
>> move the location where it's burned!! Hydro or nuclear change
>> that but we all know how "terrible" those are! ;-)
>> Loren
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