[Vwdiesel] negative aspects of burning water

Ron Schroeder rjs at bnl.gov
Fri Sep 14 10:45:17 PDT 2007

Hi Rob,

That study was quite flawed.  To start with they assumed that the Prius 
would last less than 100,000 miles and the Hummer would last 200,000 miles 
while actual repair history shows the Prius to be one of the most reliable 
vehicles and the Hummer to be one of the least.

Because of the charge management, the hybrid batteries should last far 
longer than 5 years and they are made of less harmful materials than regular 
car batteries.

Now what we really need is a hybrid Diesel/electric.

Ron Schroeder

> Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 04:24:17 -0400
> From: "Area31 Research Facility" <stephensrw at stn.net>
> Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] negative aspects of burning water
> I read somewhere of a study that dtermined that a Hummer was less 
> impactful
> on the environment (greener footprint over all) than a high tech hybrid
> because the Hummer is low tech and simple to manufacture, the hybrid
> involves much more energy intensive development and manufacturing 
> processes
> because of exotic materials and processes.
> Rob

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