[Vwdiesel] fuel gauge sending unit/in tank solutions

raymond greeley rgreeley2 at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 22 13:02:13 PDT 2007

Is there a repair and or replacement available for the fuel
gauge sending unit at the point where it attaches to the
fuel pump housing. I have an 86 cabrio that i can get some funtion out of though not close to accurate. I found the wire from the pump to the sending unit had broken off and felt i 
had corrected the problem. alas it didn't work and I ended up replacing the entire unit with one from the cabby that is currently recceiving a td motor, which works though only registers 1/4 tank and I can clearly see the fuel is up to the top. It would appear i could unsoilder the unit and put in a 
replacement. any thoughts or experience on this function
would be greatly appreciated as i need to sell this cabby and I am running out of convertable weather here in chicago to do so.
thanks, ray 
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