[Vwdiesel] Rear shocks 91 ECO Jetta

Dave Cook davevw at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 3 06:35:38 PDT 2008

Were they shooting for literally nonstop, or just not getting out of the car?  It seems like changing drivers on the fly could be a tad dangerous...

But, man, that sounds like a lot of fun!  If any of you wants to try this and needs a copilot, please let me know!


mikitka <mikitka at embarqmail.com> wrote: I recall a magazine, Car and Driver maybe, that did a cross country nonstop
run back in 91 maybe? In a jetta diesel from NY to Ca. They added a 30
gallon tank to the trunk, took out the back seat, installed a "pee" hole in
the rear seat area, had two radar detectors and a CB and took shifts
driving. Didn't make it non stop due to bad snow in Midwest, they even taped
the doors shut and taped string over the windows to prove that they didn't
climb out. It would have made it if it wasn't for the snow. Also they had to
stop along the way as well and fix the back shocks that broke from the extra
fuel weight and installed the bilsteins.  It is amazing what I can remember
and what I can't, it seems I remember the stupid non important stuff. :) 


-----Original Message-----
From: Will Taygan [mailto:william at taygan.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 2:03 AM
To: mikitka
Cc: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Rear shocks 91 ECO Jetta

oops, I sent this just to mikitka the first time, I'll try again:

Oh, my 91 ECO backend is TERRIBLE!  Especially with 20 gallons of veg in
the trunk.  Anyone try/suggest stiffer springs?  Anything else to change
out back there?  Would new shocks make a world of difference?

My buddy's 92 ECO is just as bad, aargh!


On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 21:12 -0400, mikitka wrote:
> Is it really worth the extra cost to get the bilstein shocks or would just
> regular Gabriel's work?  Also I have not done it and can't remember but is
> it a major task to change the rear shocks out like it is to change out the
> front struts? I think mine are shot and the back sags pretty good now that
> got new front struts.
> Nick
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