[Vwdiesel] algae fuel biotech

S. Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Sun Apr 13 12:02:47 PDT 2008

James Hansen wrote:
> http://earth2tech.com/2008/03/27/15-algae-startups-bringing-pond-scum-to-fuel-tanks/
> thought this may be of some interest to y'all
> Didn't think the green revolution would be quite so slimy and smelly? 
> Might have to rethink that...
> -james

I have been drooling over the idea for some time.  One of the niftiest 
systems uses the nutrient-rich water found at sewer plants.  I just 
happen to work at a plant with about 120 MGal/Day wastewater.....
One of the companies on that list, Petrosun, is starting up a project 
here in Texas on the gulf.  I was looking at their website last night.  
The company president's CV consisted exclusively of his football stats 
from his time as a Dallas Cowboy during several championship seasons.  I 
honestly need more than that to invest. 

One of my great regrets was not applying for a position in an 
algae-to-biofuels lab that was starting up.  At the University of 
Hawaii.  At this point, I'm pretty sure that makes me an idiot. 


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