[Vwdiesel] Diesel Tachometer in an older VW

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 24 06:48:08 PDT 2008

Being the whizz you are, Tony, I'd think you could figure out some sort of hall sensor devices to supply the signals you need to make  the speedo and tacho operate appropriately.  Maybe one reading crank spins and one reading output shaft spins???

  OK, Thanks Loren and Kurt. 

Now I'm begining to understand. I used the complete instrument cluster from the gasser 2.0 90 4-cylinder. So, it's not just a plug and play thing. I guess I was under the impression it was that simple. DOH!!

I also have to figure out how to drive the electric speedo, but that's not as big of a deal at this time. Just one thing at a time.


----- Original Message ----- 
Subject: Re: Diesel Tachometer in an older VW

Well, a gas tach gets 2 pulses (for a four cylinder) per crank 
revolution. An alternator is putting out however many pulses 
(number of windings or maybe a multiple of the number of 
windings) per revolution but it's turning at 2 to 5 times faster 
than the crank! The newer it is the faster they tend to turn 
them for more amperage.
There ARE workarounds. I just don't know them. I know Jake 
Russel built one. There's a dab of circuitry and a pot to adjust 

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