[Vwdiesel] leaking Jetta

Erik Lane eriklane at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 13:47:53 PST 2008

I only wish I had a sunroof!! :)

On Feb 6, 2008 12:42 PM, paul lew <biovolks at yahoo.com> wrote:
>   The drains from the sun roof travel in the body on the left and right of the windsheild,
>   maybe the hose is ruptured, and leaking through the cavity, instead of
>   travelling through the hose ?
>   Paul
>   B.C. Canada
>   Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 11:10:58 -0800
> From: "Erik Lane"
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] Leaking Jetta
> To: vwdiesel at vwfans.com
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> So I have water leaking into my 81 Jetta. It's coming in over the
> metal support that sits a little behind the speedometer. It's dripping
> down right onto my fuse block and causing all kinds of issues with my
> electrical systems.
> I've taken a good sealant and sealed up the windshield cause it looked
> like it might be starting to get some gaps around the rubber seal. I
> also smeared some in the cowling (?) area. I'm not sure what to call
> it. Under the back of the hood where the wiper motor and fresh air fan
> sit. I've sealed up anywhere that looked likely, but I'm still getting
> a lot of drips coming in. It's burned up a glow plug relay and caused
> problems with my seat belt relay and wiper relay before I found out
> anything was happening.
> I'm at a loss to see where else the water could be coming from. Am I
> overlooking something obvious? Is there a way for water to come in the
> seam at the top of the fender and somehow get into the car? This is
> really getting frustrating and I have to put in the glow plug relay,
> hold it closed by hand, and then remove it every time I want to start
> the car. And I'm worried about what the water might be doing inside
> the fuse block.
> Thanks in advance!!
> Erik
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