LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Feb 28 00:11:40 PST 2008

In a message dated 2/27/2008 4:10:24 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
vegbenz300 at gmail.com writes:

> Sorry for yelling, but i'm a bit frustrated.  I've got the odometer out on
> my '80 Audi 5000S and am trying to get to the shaft for the tripometer to
> rough it out some so I can have a working odometer.  It seems like i need to
> get the face plate off to get in there enough to remove the shaft, but i
> cant remove the spedometer needle.  Maybe i'm approaching this the wrong
> way.  I figured I'd come to y'all for some advice.
> There is a small screw on the backside of the needle, but I can't get to
> it.  Probably because I shouldnt.
> Is there a better way to get to the shaft in question?
> help!
> chris
> seattle, wa

  I've played with several speedos.  Got to watch a couple 
recalibrated too. :-)
  FIRST put the needle on the other side of the stop pin and let 
it relax.  Mark where it sits.  This is where you put it back to.  
Use small needle nosed pliers, blade screwdriver, etc to firmly 
but carefully pop the needle off it's pin but get the whole thing 
as close to the pivot pin as you can.  Then remove the two 
screws and face.  

Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL 

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