[Vwdiesel] Needing roof rack for 91 jetta, reliable brands

raymond greeley rgreeley2 at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 28 07:48:12 PST 2008

While the van goes under a remodel for a summer travel I need to use my 91 jetta for some 
light to sometimes heavy lumber and ladder hauling. the installation points/gutter are minimal.
Is there a brand that yawl have used with success. my jetta isn't pristine though i would like 
to prevent any further degradation.
also, I am looking for a cabby parts car for a diesel swap. i am in chicago. 
I have several sets of alloy wheels to sell as I clean out parts makin room for other parts
the wheels are the snowflake 14" and the daisy 13"
thanks, ray
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