[Vwdiesel] 1.6 NA head gasket

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Feb 28 18:22:01 PST 2008

In a message dated 2/28/2008 3:49:27 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
db53248 at alltel.net writes:

> If I measure the piston protrusion and it calls for a 2 notch gasket (or
> even a 1 notch), will I be OK with the gasket called for based on the head
> being milled previously and still not have to worry about valves touching
> pistons?

  Shaving the head has no bearing on piston to valve clearance, 
(I'll say in 99% of cases for safety)  ;-)  The head is flat, therefore 
it can't get closer to the head or pistons.  Through the life of the 
head, the seats wear and the valves wear, putting them farther 
from the pistons.  One tends to worry about if the head's been 
cut .005" but thinks nothing of putting a 3.80 shim in place of a 
3.70, which will put the pistons and valves just as much closer 
to eachother.  :-)

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