[Vwdiesel] injector to head leak

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed Jan 2 17:49:09 PST 2008

In a message dated 1/2/2008 3:36:09 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
db53248 at alltel.net writes:

> The heat shield was new and was installed with the correct side up.

  I'd try removing the injector and heat shield, punker the 
shield back out a tad in the middle and reseat it all.  
Re-punker the shield by setting it upside down on an 
appropriate socket (OD sizes match) then punch the 
middle with a large center punch or such so the middle 
bows back out just a tad.  
 If you're just getting a bubble or two then it most likely 
will seal up in a week or so.  If you're getting diesel bubbling
then most likely you have a leak from topside and just air 
bubbling out around the injector.  Fix the diesel leak and 
you won't notice the combustion chamber leak.  :-)

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