[Vwdiesel] gonna sell the audi

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Jun 3 09:16:22 PDT 2008

In a message dated 6/3/2008 8:56:47 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
knealeski at sbcglobal.net writes:

> Wouldn't that 5-speed be a great car with the turbo diesel Audi imported to 
> North America in 1983?  Wonder if that combination could be arranged.

  That IS a good idea.  Problem is finding a 5K TD engine.  I've 
seen about two in yards but you don't really know what kind of 
shape they're in.  I bought mine with under 70K on it and it 
needed rings. :-(  The guy was really good on maintenance too.
  I did a re-ring on it twice and decided I wouldn't do that again, 
not in-car.  Tight and difficult.  It needs rebuilt so next time 
it's coming out to work on!

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