[Vwdiesel] 1.9 td aaz engine problems - Travis G

travis gottschalk tgott at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 4 21:09:16 PDT 2008

I bought a 1.9 td aaz engine from a guy who goes to germany, drives the cars, buys them and then ships the engines over to the USA to be sold on ebay. My problem is and I haven't contacted him yet as it is late, but my "engine that was rebuilt 17,000 miles ago do to a timing belt failure" must not have been done very good. The head is crack between every valve. Doesn't appear to have gone to the coolant part of the head or the top where the oil is but it is cracked none the less. Also how much piston play is allowed. I can visibly move the pistons in the cylinder about a finger nails thickness. Is this way out of spec? I don't know if the bottom half of the engine is bad but other then the crank gear spinning on the crank I haven't ever heard of the main bearings ever wearing out. So if worse case and I don't get warranty on the engine then I need help. How would I know if the valves were ruined from the cracks in the head. If I get a new head (if you know of where to get any let me know) then can I just bolt this cam shaft in or does the head need to be line bored or something similar. Is there a place that sells pistons for cheaper then the $225 on ebay I found a piece (I wasn't looking to spend $900 on pistons). Also I have some questions about the turbo on this. I have a waste gate and then I have something that looks similar to a waste gate. Is this a EGR valve? It had a hose that was roughly cut at three inches so I have no clue where it hooks to and I haven't found a picture on the net. Does it hook up to the vacuum line? It is on a pipe that goes from the manifold to the intake part of the turbo. It doesn't hook up to the injection pump because for some reason my pump doesn't have any of the hardware to have an air line go to it. It has a top plate that I took off and there is an empty cavity where the diaphragm would have been and there isn't any drilled holes in this cavity. In summary, where can I get parts for this engine at an affordable price and how does this turbo on mine work (I have NO EXPERIENCE with turbos, only naturally aspirated). One last question, is there a Bentley manual that covers this engine or some manual that does and what one would I look for. Thanks for all the help any one and every one. This seems to be full of knowledgable people. 
Travis G.
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