[Vwdiesel] New Fuel Source
Keith Family
familykeith at comcast.net
Fri Jun 13 07:18:37 PDT 2008
[Quote] There are probably so few doing this that the cost of
setting up a bureaucracy to collect the tax would probably cost
more than the tax collected. [Unquote]
When did lack of need or logic ever prevent a government program
being instituted?
For most of us the only thing keeping the government from taxing
biofuels a perception in the public that this is "alternate
energy" and needs to be encouraged for it's own merits. Of
course no thought at all in that statement that alternate energy
might be instituted or survive by it's own financial advantages.
Or that by defering tax on biofuels (read subsidizing) we might
be fostering an erroneous advantage to a fuel source that might
be biologically (and perhaps financially) unsustainable.
Don't get me wrong in this statement. I revel in the "tax free
niche" that diesel biofuels currently reside in. But if all
road use could somehow be taxed according to actual "wear" on the
road (at least this was the original road use tax thinking) then
miles times the weight of the vehicle might be a more equitable
tax computation? Those who use more pay more.
How about this? All fuels tax free, then pay the weight of your
car times the annual mileage times a factor and pay the road use
tax annually in April.
Of course with this scheme hybrid vehicles would be taxed a bit
more since they weigh a bit more for the same passenger/miles.
Ditto those electric plug-in vehicles. And trucks would pay a
lot more since their road use is mostly weight and distance and
they might lose the fuel economies of scale they currently enjoy
with their larger turbocharged diesel engines. But - and this
is the big advantage - our road infrastructure depreciation would
be matched by the tax. And the tax income to the government
would be automatically indexed to increased use of the roads.
Depending on the tax factor, we could have road infrastructure
the envy of the world! (or bumpy cart paths as the electorate
There is a perception in our society vis-a-vis our government
that we all need to be "managed" somehow. And in many places
the current "tax free" status of bio-derived road fuels falls in
this thinking. Like we don't know what's in our own enlightened
self interest but need to be "pushed" to someone else's perceived
I'd rather try - and fail - and learn something from it - than be
told "the right way." Something to the effect that "Those that
follow the crowd get no further than the crowd?"
But that's me.
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