[Vwdiesel] IP Leaks: ?

William Longyard longyard at ix.netcom.com
Sat Jun 14 23:07:24 PDT 2008

Thanks much, Terry and Erik!

Bill Longyard

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Erik Lane" <eriklane at gmail.com>
To: <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 12:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] IP Leaks: ?

> Yeah, that seal is relatively easy to replace, but the pump really
> needs to be pulled off and sitting on the bench to do it. If the fuel
> is leaking from behind the pump then it's almost certainly that seal.
> The only other thing could be the top seal on the pump, but that one
> really doesn't go bad much, and it would be easy to see if it was
> leaking from up there with a mirror or something. There are two seals
> on the cold start lever - one between the housing and the flange, and
> one between the flange and the shaft. You can get them in a kit of a
> bunch of seals off of ebay, but it's supposed to be fairly easy to get
> just those two from a Bosch fuel injection place. I've never tried
> that way. They are both just o-rings, but one of them is a little bit
> of a unique size so it's hard to match just from a standard set.
> Erik
> On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 8:53 PM, Terry Briggs <vbriggs at stny.rr.com> wrote:
>> I could be mistaken but generally when you have a leak on the back
>> side, it's from the cold start lever area. fixable, but ya gotta pull
>> the ip I think.
>> On Jun 14, 2008, at 11:33 PM, William Longyard wrote:
>>> I've got a fuel leak and it SEEMS to be coming from the back side of
>>> my IP.
>>> (The side closest to the engine.)  Is there a seal back there that
>>> goes bad,
>>> or am I missing the true source of the leak?  I understand this is
>>> common
>>> now with the fuel available.
>>> Thanks for any tips,
>>> Bill L.
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