[Vwdiesel] 1.6turbo basket case

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Jun 15 15:09:18 PDT 2008

  Score on the TD there!  :D  Must be a reason it was in pieces. 
Did they bother to say why they tore it down?  It's pretty easy 
to tell what's wrong.  Check the crank for scoring, they rarely wear
but I HAVE seen a thrust surface totally shot.  Still easy to see.
Mic your bores, around here that's the biggest wear spot on the 
VW diesels other than guides and exhaust valves.  Most places it
doesn't seem to be. Mt St. Helen's ash is why I suspect it's more 
of an issue here.  <shrug>
  Assume your intermediate bearings are bad.  Turbo's probably good 
so rebuild the head, new bearings, seals, pistons, (if bore's bad) 
and rings and you should be nearly good as new!  :-)
  Water seperator is by the RR wheel and yes the under hood filter 
also does that.

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