[Vwdiesel] New no-start issue

Matt matt_lisa at sprynet.com
Fri Jun 20 22:37:37 PDT 2008

Make sure the battery terminals are tight.  You're losing power  
somewhere.  Can you jumper the starter directly from the battery?   
Does it kick over? (Make sure to have it out of gear!)

And to answer your question, yes, I lost the idiot lights.  The ground  
terminal on the battery had some corrosion and was loose at the time.

On Jun 20, 2008, at 4:28 PM, Kneale Brownson wrote:

> Tried cleaning the engine ground.  Didn't help.  Any other  
> suggestions?
> Kneale Brownson <knealeski at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Did you lose the dash idiot lights when you turned the key, Matt?  
> I've cleaned the battery terminals recently, but not the ground to  
> the engine. I'll be tackling that soon.
> Matt_Lisa wrote: Sounds like corrosion on your grounds to me. I've  
> had a similar experience, where the car would not turn over to save  
> its life. After cleaning up the battery terminals, all of a sudden,  
> things started working (idiot lights, starter, etc).
> Good luck!
> -Matt
> http://matt_lisa.home.sprynet.com/

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