[Vwdiesel] stuck ip sprocket 81 pickup

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Mon May 12 20:25:09 PDT 2008

Here's a thread on tools that includes a couple home-made versions of the IP pulley puller.

Will Taygan <william at taygan.com> wrote:
  aarrgh. I pulled the parts truck ip off to install on the 81, since
that one developed a high-pressure stream coming from the bottom of the
ip where the high pressure and low pressure(?) side of the pump connect.

Popped the cam sprocket off, popped the ip sprocket on the parts ip off,
but d@#$%mned if I can get the sprocket of the 81. I used a little 3"
or so 2-arm puller and bent the puller a little. Went to the parts
rental place and paid $15 for a day's worth of a small but good 3-arm
puller, it slips off under pressure.

normal technique is to put pressure on with the little puller and then
smack the sprocket with a rubber mallet.

I'm about to spend $90 to priority mail the right tool from Pelican
Parts (a little cheaper than zdmak, looks the the standard aftermarket


I need this moved in 2 days, but the puller wouldn't be here for 5. Any

Chugiak, AK

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