[Vwdiesel] no turn signals 81 pickup

Dave Cook davevw at yahoo.com
Wed May 21 17:56:56 PDT 2008

Check your hazard light switch too.  I have had this happen, and it was because I had the hazards on, and didn't get the switch turned all the way off.  Almost all the way, but not quite...

The turn signal circuit goes through the hazard switch somehow (mysteriously...) so if it is bad they won't work.

Dave Cook

--- On Wed, 5/21/08, Will Taygan <william at taygan.com> wrote:

> From: Will Taygan <william at taygan.com>
> Subject: [Vwdiesel] no turn signals 81 pickup
> To: "vw fans" <Vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
> Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2008, 10:14 PM
> Looked at an 81 pickup today, wipers work, hazards work,
> turn signals
> just glow green.  I swapped out a bunch of relays and
> tested fuses, but
> didn't find the culprit.  Next step is to clean up the
> grounds.  I feel
> like I've been here before , but can't remember
> what I did last time.
> Maybe the bulbs?!?!  Is there anything else easy I could
> check?
> Will.
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