[Vwdiesel] no turn signals 81 pickup

Gary Bangs gbangs at cfl.rr.com
Wed May 21 19:49:43 PDT 2008

Check the connectors behind the fuse block. Sometimes they work loose 
and cause wierd flashing. At least that is what I have seen and 
experienced. I just reach up and squeeze them together with my left hand 
and it seems to do the trick.


Will Taygan wrote:
> Looked at an 81 pickup today, wipers work, hazards work, turn signals
> just glow green.  I swapped out a bunch of relays and tested fuses, but
> didn't find the culprit.  Next step is to clean up the grounds.  I feel
> like I've been here before , but can't remember what I did last time.
> Maybe the bulbs?!?!  Is there anything else easy I could check?
> Will.
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