[Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 55, Issue 26

Erik Lane eriklane at gmail.com
Sun May 25 11:18:35 PDT 2008

Yeah, I've also been looking into building an electric car as most of
my driving ends up being less than 20 miles, round trip. Down side is
that it looks like most of the solutions that you can get out there
run $8,000-10,000 and it would take me a LONG time to make up that
kind of money with the miles I would put on it. I don't know how many
things I'm willing to try to make or figure out myself when you start
talking about playing with ~96-120 volts DC power. So for now it's
just a nice idea. I see that there are multiple companies talking
about selling electric cars here, and the price of the whole thing is
in that same 8-10 price range. Or at least not too far from it.

I saw 4.89 for diesel the other day, but paid 4.63 at the Safeway
pump, which is consistently the cheapest.


On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 9:34 AM, David Schwarze <dschwarze at dfwair.net> wrote:
> My story is to just be thankful that we have a vehicle that gets good
> mileage, and grin and bear it.  I'm also starting to think about
> building an electric car for short commutes.
> Prices here in Dallas are typically 3.89 for regular and $4.69 for diesel.
> -David
> Jeff Rakus wrote:
>> Hey Guys
>> what's your stories about the nightmare prices?
>> Shell by us is trying to get $4.75 / Gal here now for USLD
>> and for 85 octane they want $3.95 and down the street they want
>> $3.77 for the 85 Oct.
>> All of you predicted it long ago the prices and the thefts of wvo at restauraunts.
>> I appreciate everyones thoughts on ways to make it through this mess .
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