[Vwdiesel] Diesel in Oil

Val Christian val at mongo.mongobird.com
Sun May 25 23:21:11 PDT 2008

After replacing injectors, in a 91 NA, I was driving one day, and all of 
the sudden there was loud clacking, like the timing was off.  A couple of
miles later, the engine started running uncommanded (like the 80's 
Rabbits would).  When I got home, I found the timing OK, and the 
oil contaminated with diesel.  The glowplugs were toast (it happens
with ingested oil from the intake).

Replaced the glowplugs, double checked the timing, and drove around the
block (6 miles).  After that, the oil was 1qt high with diesel, so I
dumped it and refilled with engine oil.

Then I individually loosened the fittings on each injector, looking for
the "loud" one.  They were all loud.  

I'm tempted to put the orig injectors back in (200kmiles on them) and
see what happens.

Anyone else have any ideas?


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