[Vwdiesel] Gas/diesel prices

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun May 25 23:27:47 PDT 2008

In a message dated 5/25/2008 9:38:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
pmdolan at sasktel.net writes:

> Finally, it will only be when energy prices reach something reasonably 
> close to reality ($10US/gal &$200/bbl) that all of the alternative energy options 
> can become economically viable.

  Dad and I have been playing with a fair investment in solar.  I 
bought stuff righ tfor him so it's a little better but...  At typical, 
shopping around prices, $7,000 worth of solar equipment will 
produce 300watts of electricity on a bright, sunny, summer 
day.  That's maybe 3kwh/day if you have tracking, which 
nearly doubles the price of the investment.  Here in sunny, 
eastern Washington I think the power factor is .28 which 
means thats what you multiply your daily power output by 
for the annual output average.  I recorded 13 hours of full 
sunlight from Thanksgiving through March a couple years ago. 
Not much better but better last year.  That's winter sun 
which is about 30% as productive as summer sun here.  
  It's not as "whoopee" as everyone seems to think.

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