[Vwdiesel] Gas/Diesel Prices

FDM-JRS Advocats dralaw at yahoo.com
Fri May 30 07:34:35 PDT 2008

I used to live in Mexico City, now I live in a smaller city: Queretaro. It's about two hours north of Mexico City.
Our president send a proposal to the Congress in order to aloud private investors to explore, drill, extract and refine oil. The truth is that I am aginst it. We have less oil every single day, if we make a profit of it right now instead of waiting while developing some alternatives we won't have oil or alternatives. 
I'm a lawyer and worked for an Admiralty Law Firm. I saw the contracts for the arrival of an FSO to Cantarell and some other stuff. I've seen what our politics are willing to do if they have their share, so, they're not doing it for our benefit (we = the peoeple of Mexico). Once you understand the meaning of  the lion's share... you never, ever see the world with the same eyes. I'm done with this thread as in my opinion it's going off-topic. I'll gladly reply any private email in this concern.
Downtown Ft. Worth is one of the most beautiful places to see, walk and have a beer...   

----- Original Message ----
From: S. Shourds <sshourds at flash.net>
To: FDM-JRS Advocats <dralaw at yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 12:18:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Gas/Diesel Prices

Whereabouts in Mexico are you?  I'm somewhere on the other side of the 
border in Ft. Worth, TX.  I was hearing on the BBC about the conflicts 
there over foreign investment in PEMEX to get offshore drilling 
on-line.  Even if that turns out to be lucrative, it's still disturbing 
that we have burned up entire oil fields worth of fuel. 

What I'm going to be interested to see is where the second-generation of 
biofuels leads countries like Mexico.  There are schemes involving 
non-food dry-land crops (jatropha) and algal fuels that don't require 
much water that are well suited to sunnier climes.  It has the potential 
to push the more equatorial countries up. 



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