[Vwdiesel] Biodiesel Questions

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Oct 12 16:39:08 PDT 2008

  Maybe I'm daft but how about a gallon of gasoline/tank?  That's 
what I use for #2 diesel, it's listed in the Rabbit owner's manual 
and I was one of the few cars running cross country one winter 
when nighttime temperatures were near -30F!  I had a LOT of 
people along that trip tell me I couldn't do that as they were 
buying more Power Service and other additives as they were 
gelled up on the side of the road.  I tend to wonder who is right 
when I'm running and they're not!  I did pick up some PS to aid in 
lubricity (assuming it helps with that).  I presume gas will thin 
bio just as well as it does #2.  
  If your #2 gells at 25F and your #1 gells at 5F then a 50/50 mix 
is still only good to 15F.  In a 12 or so gallon tank, 2 gallons of 
gas will get you to about -30F!
  Just my thoughts...

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