[Vwdiesel] More Quantum Questions?

James Hansen jhsg at sasktel.net
Thu Sep 4 00:01:15 PDT 2008

Except that other additives necessary to a slushbox that reside in the 
ATF oil will coke up your injector tips, swell the shaft seals in your 
pump so they wear, which then shrink and leak later after the seal 
swelling agents aren't present.  While an excellent oil to run in a 
transmission, there is no place for ATF in your fuel tank, it is not a 
cleaner of any sort, and causes mischief in the long run.

If you need additives for lubricity, Stanadyne product is proven as cost 
effective, in that it doubles your additive investment by returning an 
increase in mileage AND cleans, removes moisture, and lubricates your 
fuel system from tank to injectors.  2 stroke oil is another okay 
lubricant source but Stanadyne is better. If you suspect fuel system 
accumulated crud effecting low mileage nozzles, LubroMoly Diesel Purge 
is the magic genie in a bottle.

If the injectors are old, and not spraying right, no amount of additive 
will replace the missing metal that has worn away from the nozzle orfice.
That Baird fellow speaks wise words.

Tony and Lillie wrote:
> ATF is one heck of a lubricant, much better than oil. It doesn't have the 
> viscosity of motor oil, which is why it's not used for that. There are tests 
> online for lubricity of different substances, and ATF beats WD-40, PB 
> blaster, and others of the like.
> So, running it in the pump should not be harmful in any way.
> Tony Hoffman
> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> I have heard that ATF will also clean injectors, but it is not a lubricant
>> so could do bad stuff to the pump.
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