[Vwdiesel] Tie Rod End change

Val Christian val at mongo.mongobird.com
Thu Sep 11 04:33:26 PDT 2008

I use a vernier calipers (inside part) and chisel a notch into the 
shaft, and measure from the notch to the center of the grease 
fitting.  Spin off the old one (sometimes not so easy) and spin on 
the new one, and measure from the notch to the center of the grease

I have a old fashioned spring loaded toe gauge, which helps, but I'm
usually better than 1/8" with the above method.

>   Of course there's no guarantee that the end of rod to center of 
> joint is the same distance.  :-(  You won't need it aligned but you 
> will need to check the toe. 
>   You can get close by locking things in place, pulling out the old 
> one then running the new one on until it slides in place on the 
> steering knuckle.  That'll be good enough for a starting point.
>      Loren
> In a message dated 9/10/2008 7:40:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
> mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk writes:
> > Isn't there a locking nut on the back? Back it off 1 turn then, return nut 
> > later. If thread on new nuckle starts at the same place then it should 
> > re-align.
> > Mark
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: "Dave Cook" <davevw at yahoo.com>
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > >In working on changin out the wheel bearings, I discovered that the boot 
> > >on the passenger side tie rod end is torn (shortly after tearing the boot 
> > >on the driver side ball joint--AARGH!).
> > >
> > >Any way I can change the tie rod end without affecting the alignment?  I 
> > >suppose it'll basically mean somehow marking the tie rod, removing the bad 
> > >one, and putting and putting the new one back to the mark.  So, any 
> > >suggestions on marking it?  Or a better way?
> > >
> > >Thanks!
> > >
> > >Dave Cook
> > 
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