[Vwdiesel] seized turbo

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Sep 11 15:35:50 PDT 2008

  Sounds like a lot of coking is possible from maybe someone 
running the wrong oil?  Bad seals will make the smoke but 
won't make for the sticky turning.  A lot of coke could do 
both.  If it's off then a bright light and some light chiseling 
with a lot of poking and prying you should be able to get 
most of the coke out of the housing, through the oil drain 
hole.  The rest will take running it with either a REALLY good, 
15W/40 or such, or way better yet would be a diesel rated 
synthetic.  See if that'll work it out.  If it's truely siezed, IE 
galling has happened, then you must rebuild it.

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