[Vwdiesel] Rebuilding 90w Alternator

Sandy Cameron scameron at storm.ca
Thu Sep 25 06:20:56 PDT 2008

At 10:53 PM 24/09/2008 -0400, you wrote:
>Anyone ever rebuilt a 90 w Bosch alternator?  My bearings are good, but I 
>think the regulator function is fried.  The charging lights flickers 
>continuously and I know the belt and electrical connections are good.
>Where would I get the parts?

The flickering charge indicator suggests the regulator brushes are worn out.

I recently discovered a source of replacements and posted it here.

Here it is again.
I have found a source of brushes for the A2 bosch alternator brushes.

Made in USA even! By Standard Motor Products

Available at most FLAPS. And cheap too!!

Ask for part # GB299 from the  "Blue Streak Ignition" catalogue, or similar.

The UPC is.....9176901362-2

Save your springs from the old ones....not included with the new


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