[Vwdiesel] Windshield Wiper Arm Removal

dieseltdi at verizon.net dieseltdi at verizon.net
Sun Apr 5 18:46:13 PDT 2009

It is supposed to require a puller.  I managed to get a small crowbar  
under mine and pry it off.  I still scratched it up pretty badly.   
On Apr 5, 2009, at 8:34 PM, Val Christian wrote:

> Any suggestions?
> I have an 03 Jetta I'm trying to pull the arms on, and I've used  
> penetrant,
> followed by propane torch heat to the arm, followed by vicegrip  
> pulling.
> Even a little hammer tapping.  Nope.
> No dice.
> Asking ahead...how does the plastic plenum shield come off?
> Thanks.
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Proud owner of:
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2004 Jetta GL PD TDI, Inmotion Tuning Stage 1 Tuning, K&N Filter,  
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And many, many, many VWs; from a 1946 Beetle (13 Beetles total), to  
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