[Vwdiesel] hood latch difficulties

Matt_Lisa matt_lisa at sprynet.com
Fri Apr 24 07:36:13 PDT 2009

lol, blasphemer!  I'm not going to mar up my perfectly good, slightly used Rabbit hood with pins!  Yikes! :D

If worse comes to worse, I'll purchase new latch bits and install them.  $40 gets you brand new latches for the top and bottom side at german auto parts.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Sandy Cameron <scameron at storm.ca>
>Sent: Apr 24, 2009 8:02 AM
>To: Matt <matt_lisa at sprynet.com>, vwdiesel at audifans.com
>Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] hood latch difficulties
>At 11:04 PM 23/04/2009 -0600, you wrote:
>>For the longest time, I'd close the hood, and it would be crooked.   
>>When crooked, the passenger corner would buff up and down in the wind  
>>while driving down the road.  Also, the hood release cable doesn't  
>>work.  To open the hood, just grab it and pull.
>>The trouble is, I'm short on cash, and I need the car to be road  
>>worthy as the Golf needs to go down for some freshening.  Has anyone  
>>ever just rebuilt the stupid thing and gotten it to work again?
>Go to your local FLAPS or racing supply and buy a pair of hood pins, (what
>are they called, James?) drill the holes and install them. No more problems.

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