No subject

Wed Apr 15 09:17:53 PDT 2009

electric version of a lever that would be the backside. When the there's an
electric solenoid on the front the lever port on the back is blocked off.

On 9/17/09, LBaird119 at <LBaird119 at> wrote:
> In a message dated 9/16/2009 7:22:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> decker at writes:
> > The cold start lever is made to work on either side of
> > the pump. Why we have to have it on the back side where it is a chore to
> > get
> > to I don't know.
> I saw a pic once where there was an electrical component on the
> front side where we just have a plate.  I don't recall if there was
> also the cable or not.  I seem to recall it being a to retard it for
> certain conditions.  It wasn't really clear just what it did.  May
> have been an additional advance for low load conditions since
> there's something that does something like that, on some models
> of VE pump.
>    Loren
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