[Vwdiesel] How cold is it?

mark shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Dec 9 09:16:24 PST 2009

> Besides, we scientifically illiterate people in the US need to learn
> the difference between WEATHER  and CLIMATE!   Just my scientific
> teacher side coming out!!!  Hayden

Interesting; if you claim to be scientifically iliterate on the one hand 
then admit to being a scientific teacher on the other, are we indeed in 

I assume that 'climate' is a handful of 'weathers' mixed up?
My immediate trouble with the whole human effect scam, is; what kind of 
mathematicians eminating from East Anglia university would use the word 
'trick'  in respect of any data.
I'd never use the word trick over the dinner table or anywhere else to 
describe interpolation, or as in this case wild extrapolation.
As for low definition graphs with suppressed zero scales, the lack of 
fundamental knowledge of  leading, lagging, or controlling variables, 
turning points etc... I feel the need to poke my eyes out with a  dirty oil 
dipstick in frustration...


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