[Vwdiesel] Age, Diesel History, and Bonus TDI Tragedy

Chris Geiser cfgeiser at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 08:57:06 PST 2009

Yes - snub = stall ;)

Sorry for the confusion!!!


**Sent with mobile device

-----Original Message-----
From: Tad <tadc at europa.com>
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 10:38 AM
To: Chris Geiser <cfgeiser at gmail.com>
Cc: Patrick Dolan <pmdolan at sasktel.net>; William J Toensing <toensing at wildblue.net>; vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] Age, Diesel History, and Bonus TDI Tragedy

Re: drive-by-wire throttle - from my research and experience (such as it is), the DBW is one of the more reliable parts of the car (electrics anyway).  The throttle position sensor is redundant (there's a backup sender and if one fails it will trip the CEL) but it seems to very rarely fail.  

Chris - assuming you're talking about stalling the car (the only use of the word 'snub' I know is Webster's #3, "to treat with contempt or neglect <snub an old acquaintance>", but I see there's also "to check or stop with a cutting retort : rebuke"), I haven't driven an 09 but I've found that TDIs (and maybe diesels in general) are a lot easier to stall than a gasser.  

Well, let me qualify that - they are simultaneously both easier and harder to stall... the massive torque gives you plenty of power at idle, but if you happen to let the clutch out a bit too fast and the RPM drops below the magic number, *bam* it stops on a dime.  A gasser generally gives you a lot of stumbling/bucking warning that you're pushing it, but my TDI just quits without warning when you go too far.  That took some getting used to.   

On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Chris Geiser <cfgeiser at gmail.com> wrote:
Not much to add to the conversation except a comment on the drive by wire..

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