[Vwdiesel] Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 63, Issue 9

Rolf Pechukas rbp at 4u2bu.org
Mon Jan 12 04:47:50 PST 2009

>> in the best of the MacGuyver tradition, I take a ball point pen, poke
>> a hole in the cap of a little fuel canister, cut the fuel line at the
>> filter, stick it in the cap (perfect fit), fill the container w/ dsl,
>> and drive off
>> perfect! easy power, filter was clogged by cold
>> but I know the IP is still returning fuel to the tank, not sure how
>> far I'm going to get
>> sure enough, 1 gallon lasts a few miles
> Just dump a gallon of gas in at the service station.  No cutting
> your lines, thins the fuel in seconds to minutes, is even recommended
> in the earlier owner's manuals even up to 25%!  Doubt you were
> iced shut, just stiff fuel.  Gas thins it right down.  #1 diesel or
> kerosene does about the same but takes a 20 to 30% mix to do the
> same as about 10% gas and doesn't lubricate all that much better.
>   Loren

I had just fueled up - tippy top, no room in the tank - but I will  
start running 10% gas from now on anyway - cheap insurance - thanks  

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