[Vwdiesel] It's off! head gasket - turbo oil return line frustration

Will Taygan william at taygan.com
Sun Jan 18 08:35:24 PST 2009

Thanks, I've got a KKK, and there's two bolts, looks like I have to take
off the turbo to get one of them.

Good news though, the head is off, about an hour of struggling with the
turbo oil return connection, it finally came off with some heat from the

Now I've got the manifold bolts soaking in Kroil for a day an I'll go at



ThanksOn Sat, 2009-01-17 at 21:30 -0500, Sandy Cameron wrote:
> At 07:12 PM 17/01/2009 -0700, you wrote:
> >
> >grrr..  I found
> > the fitting on the oil pan, but it looks like I'll have to drop the oil
> >pan to get a wrench in there.
> >
> The oil line is held to the turbo with one bolt, and sealed with an O ring.
> Take a small mirror and look at it. Like an air conditioner line connection.
> When I pulled the head/turbo on my 1.6, I  had already routed the line
> outside the engine mount bracket, when I put the engine in the car, so I
> disconnected at the pan, and lifted the head/turbo out with the line still
> attached. never did disconnect it from the turbo
> Sandy

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