[Vwdiesel] European TDI engine to America

mikitka mikitka at embarqmail.com
Wed Jun 3 16:28:40 PDT 2009

I have a friend that is stationed in Germany and can get a TDI engine from
the salvage yard there and possibly ship it back. It would come with
everything but the computer from what he has told me.  Question is can it be
converted to a mechanical set up like my 91?  Not sure why no computer but
that is what he said in his e-mail.  If one did get sent over here would it
even be worth it?  He said that there isn't any older 1.6 or 1.9's
available, just newer models.  I was just wondering if he could send it over
for a good price would it be worth it.  I think he said that he can get one,
not sure of the miles on it or klms but he could get it for around $750 USD.



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