[Vwdiesel] radio help

peter blake pila47 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 10 09:56:19 PDT 2009

  I've  been having problems w the factory radio in my 91 jetta.
A few days ago when I  turned it on it showed the code I get when 
the power has been interrupted. I entered the code and all was well
tho I did wonder if there had been a power interruption and how had
it happened. Yesterday afternoon the same thing occured,only this time
I entered the code and it wouldn't accept it. I tried a number of 
times and wasn't able to unlock the radio. I have a few questions for
the list. One, I realize this is an anti-theft deterrent but who in
their right mind would steal this piece of crap radio? How, without
destroying the dash does the radio come out? I have an after market
radio that is also not very good that I could use in its place. 
Any advice? 


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