[Vwdiesel] More Quantum Questions? Injection Pump

William J Toensing toensing at wildblue.net
Fri Mar 20 23:35:12 PDT 2009

Thank you Loren & Mark Shepherd for your advice. Perhaps there is a problem with my IP pump measuring gage. From TDC, if I turn the engine contra-clockwise the measuring gage will not  move from  its high point. If I turn the engine much further, the nut on the IP will loosen. However, I can turn the engine clockwise OK. If I turn the engine clockwise around 300 or so degrees, zero the IP gage, & turn towards TDC, the gage will start to move about one gear cog on the IP before I reach TDC & at TDC (flywheel) & IP pump lines up with the front IP gear, & locking peg goes into the bracket timing hole. If I move the engine about 2 &1/2 cogs clockwise  the IP gage will rise as high as 2.14 mm. 
I wonder if when I loosened the rear bolts to install the new "O" ring, I could have disturbed the timming? Would an I reading of 1.23 mm instead of the recommended 1 mm plus or minus .2 be enough for the car not to run?
As to buying another IP, I had the seller send the pump to a rebuilder he recommended so if & when the current IP begins to leak, I will have a pump ready to replace it. 
Bill Toensing, Nevada City, CA

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